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At First United Methodist Church of Cleburne we have a vital prayer ministry that prays regularly for any request that comes to us. There are prayer cards that can be used to submit requests. Every week “prayer partners” come to our beautiful Prayer Room and pray over these cards individually. The cards are dated and initialed and after thirty days are sent back to the person with the assurance that his/her request has been prayed for.

Our Wednesday Evening Prayer service meets in the Chapel at 5:30 p.m. where prayer concerns are lifted up to God and a time of quiet to listen to God is observed.  Your participation and prayer requests are important to fulfill God's Will for our church and our community.

Our Congregational Care ministries offer support for a variety of life experiences. Some of the many support services that we offer include baptisms, weddings, funerals, financial assistance, hospital visits and prayer. For questions or more information about how Congregational Care can provide support for you, call our church office at 817-645-6392.

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